Herriman City Support

Agendas and minutes

City council

Meeting Schedule and Procedures

City Council

2nd/4th Wednesdays

Work Meeting 5:30 p.m. Fort Herriman Conference Room
General Meeting 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers

5th Wednesdays

Joint Work Meeting w/ Planning Commission 6:00 p.m. Community Room

Herriman City Hall

5355 W Main Street

P: (801) 446-5323

Public Comment Policy and Procedure

During each regular Council meeting, there will be a time for public comment. Citizens requesting to address the Council will be asked to complete a written comment form and present it to the City Recorder.

Generally, the chairman will allow an individual two minutes to address the Council. A spokesman recognized as representing a group in attendance, may be allowed up to five minutes. At the conclusion of the citizen comment time, the chairman may direct staff to assist the citizen on the issue presented; direct the citizen to the proper administrative department(s); or take no action. This policy also applies to all public hearings. Citizens may also submit written requests (outlining their issue) for an item to be considered at a future council meeting. The chairman may place the item on the agenda under citizen comments; direct staff to assist the citizen; direct the citizen to the proper administrative department(s); or take no action.

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Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Click on the links below to see the agendas, packets, recordings, and minutes of City Council meetings as they are approved.