Herriman City Support

We Are Herriman: Chad Lanham

Chad Lanham

August 2020

Chad is an outstanding Herriman City employee. As a stormwater inspector, he ensures that Herriman residents stay safe and have clean water by holding developers to high standards and keeping the waterways maintained. He is enthusiastic about the Herriman community and serving others.

Upon seeing a group picking up trash in a ravine, he was quick to take care of the collected debris, bring water to the volunteers, and establish a connection for future cleanups. Always courteous and dedicated, Chad makes Herriman a better place.

This month’s “We Are Herriman” recipients are the perfect examples of what the Herriman culture encompasses. Each wanted to ensure that the other was recognized for their contribution to Herriman, not realizing that the other side was doing the same. Anonymous nominations can sometimes tell both sides of the story. Together, We Are Herriman!

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