Herriman City Support
Juniper Canyon

Juniper Canyon Recreation Area

Upon completion, the Juniper Canyon Recreation Area (JCRA) will feature 72 acres of open space fun connecting the residential, commercial, and educational areas from the east side of Mountain View Corridor, starting at Sentinel Ridge Blvd, to the Herriman hills trail system and open space west of Juniper Crest Road. The designs of each phase will be finalized and built as funds become available over the coming years. The first phase, a trailhead on the eastern side, was completed in fall 2022. Learn more about this trailhead and view additional conceptual designs for future phases of the overall project below:

Eastern Trailhead

The JCRA Eastern Trailhead is located at 4094 West Autumn Spring Drive. The ribbon cutting was held on November 2, 2022. This portion of JCRA includes a trailhead and park. The park has a water efficient landscape surrounding the bicycle playground and in the parkstrips. The adjacent detention basin is landscaped with a drought tolerant grass seed mix. This area includes the following amenities:

  • Bicycle playground (called the Pit)
  • Pump track
  • Bike rack
  • Bike repair station
  • Restrooms
  • Kiosk trail map sign
  • Parking lot
  • Benches
  • Picnic tables
  • Pavilion
  • Drinking fountain
  • Paved trail

Conceptual Designs

Please click on the buttons below to view the proposed conceptual designs for the Juniper Canyon Recreation Area. Note that not all of the amenities may be in the final funded plans. The final plans of each phase will be announced at a later date.

Recreation Area Conceptual Plans                        Trail Options
Juniper Canyon Conceptual Plan

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7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday

