Herriman City Support

Landscaping Requirements

The landscaping ordinance affects all existing homes in the City as well as all new residential construction. This ordinance requires all residential dwellings to have landscaping installed and maintained in their front yards, all parks trips, and side yards to the back line of the dwelling or on corner lots to the back property line, including park strips (see Required Landscape Area).

As of January 3, 2022, all landscaping for new construction must meet the Water Efficiency Standards (City Code).

For definitions of what constitutes landscaping as well as irrigation and tree requirements, please see the full explanation in the Water Efficiency Standards (info and required table). When installing landscape, make sure to comply with the City’s Clear View Ordinance (see Clear View Requirements) and the approved tree list for park strip trees (see Approved Trees in the "Planting Widths 3-5 feet" section).

Secondary Water Connection Requirements:

All new buildings in the culinary and secondary water regions (most areas of Herriman) are also required to comply with secondary water connection requirements, even in areas where secondary water is not yet live (see Secondary Connection Requirements). You can find more information on the Water Department’s page on Secondary Water.


For all new residential construction, landscaping requirements must be met and approved prior to occupancy.

If weather (at the discretion of the City) does not permit for landscaping to be installed prior to occupancy, landscape must be installed within one (1) year of the certificate of occupancy having been issued. An inspection is required to verify work complies with City ordinance requirements.

Construction water does not include water for landscaping. At the time an inspector approves the landscaping, notice will be sent to the Water Department and the water jumper will be removed within 2-3 days. The water meter must be set at that time. Call the Water Department at 801-446-5323 (see Water).

For other notices to Contractors, see Single Family Dwellings.

Contact Us


7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | Monday - Friday

Please call before 4:00 for inspection requests





Cathryn Nelson • Building Official
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email

Cathryn Nelson

Lon Christensen • Assistant Building Official/Inspector
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email

Lon Christensen

Wade Lehmberg • Assistant Building Official/Inspector
Phone: 801-446-5327 | Email

Wade Lehmberg